What’s more American than Cowboys? What’s more American than celebrating diversity? … Maybe football and capitalism and mind-numbing entertainment… I’m joking, of course. I put this group of cowboys together because they did not fit in any of the other western crews I assembled. Then I decided to have fun with it and add a…
Tag: Wild West

Westside Outlaws
The name is a tribute to Tupac, but the crew is based on real outlaws from the days of the wild west. The Westside Outlaws believe in getting money over everything, and they don’t respect any of the laws (or enforcers of laws) meant to stop them. I think it’s pretty common for kids to…

The Enforcers
I’m not doing the “good guy vs. bad guy” thing for my kids, but it should be obvious that this crew is going to be at odds with most of the other crews. Their job is to enforce the laws. They enforce laws to protect people’s possessions and to capture and punish people who have…

Birds of a Feather
Three members of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation partner with outsiders who have courage and desire to join their way of life. They protect their homes and go on raids against White settlers to get what they need to survive. Each of the members of this crew is based on a real person from history. With…

Los Bandoleros
Really, they’re not bandits or robbers–at least not if someone is thinking of that term as purely motivated by selfishness. This band of custom Playmobil toys are one of many attempts to help my kid think about the harm of greed and the honor of redistributing wealth in order to benefit the masses. From the…

The Rufus Buck Gang
I was inspired by watching The Harder They Fall (2021). It was really cool to see all these Black people as the central characters in a Western movie and to know that they are all based on real people. I thought, “that’s kind of what I’m doing with these all these Playmobil sets for my…